Webinar: Unlocking the Mystery of Selective Mutism (5.5 hour course)

Webinar: Unlocking the Mystery of Selective Mutism (5.5 hour course)


Thriving Minds' owner and psychologist, Aimee Kotrba, Ph.D., presents this engaging 5-hour workshop on treating selective mutism at home, in the school, or in the office. Join the thousands of parents and professionals who have learned about effective treatment from Dr. Kotrba. If you are interested in expanding your skillset and understanding of selective mutism, then act now. Don’t wait to help your student, client or loved one find their brave voice.

Learning objectives:

  1. Define selective mutism and understand how it develops.

  2. Understand key treatment components for different types of selective mutism.

  3. Learn what school accommodations and IEPs can look like for children with selective mutism.

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